Foundations of Biotech
The Foundations of Biotech labs were created to introduce students to biotech techniques and concepts; in these labs, students explore recombinant DNA technology.

Exploring Precision Medicine
ABE’s Exploring Precision Medicine module explores the connections between genes and traits. Students learn how slight genetic differences can impact how well a patient responds to certain… READ MORE
Type(s): Lab-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Pharmaceuticals, Precision Medicine, Race & Genetics, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Lab Techniques, Gel Electrophoresis, Gene Sequencing, PCR, Pipetting, Restriction Enzyme
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Advanced

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ABE for Lower Secondary School
This lesson is a series of lower-secondary school activities modeled after the ABE Foundations of Biotech lab series. In it, younger students can explore some of the tools and techniques of… READ MORE
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Lab-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Human Disease, Lab Techniques, Gel Electrophoresis, Pipetting
Education Levels: Lower Secondary

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Exploring Tools of the Biotechnology Lab: Pipetting
The biotechnology industry has changed tremendously with the introduction of new tools and technologies. Many of these advances have changed the way scientists work, allowing them to accomplish tasks… READ MORE
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based, Lab-basedTopic(s): Lab Techniques, Pipetting, Teaching and Learning, Differentiated Instruction
Education Levels: Lower Secondary

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Exploring Tools of the Biotechnology Lab: Yeast – The Living Tool
Because the cellular processes of yeast are relatively easy to manipulate, it has been extensively used as a model organism in biotechnology research. Like human cells, yeast cells have a nucleus… READ MORE
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Classroom-based, Lab-basedTopic(s): Biotech & Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Lab Techniques, Gene Editing, Gene Sequencing, Pipetting
Education Levels: Lower Secondary

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Dog Drool Investigation Extension Lab
In this extension lab, students use gel electrophoresis and a series of prepared dyes to determine which dog ate their homework!
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Lab-basedTopic(s): Lab Techniques, Gel Electrophoresis, Pipetting, Teaching and Learning, Differentiated Instruction
Education Levels: Lower Secondary, Upper Secondary, Introductory

ABE Student Laboratory Workbook (Australia)
ABE Student Laboratory Workbook
The ABE Student Laboratory workbook, created by ABE Australia, directly connects the ABE Foundations of Biotech labs to Australian educational standards. In addition, each lab has suggestions for how… READ MORE
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Lab-basedTopic(s): Teaching and Learning, Differentiated Instruction
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Introductory, Advanced

ABE Guides (Portuguese)
Foundation of Biotech Abridged Genetic Engineering Sequence Guides (Portuguese)
ABE Foundations of Biotech Abridged Genetic Engineering Sequence Teacher Guide and Student Guide in Portuguese.
Type(s): Teaching Materials, Lab-basedTopic(s): Teaching and Learning, Emergent Multilingual Learners
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Introductory, Advanced

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ABE Foundations of Biotech Lab Guides (Japanese)
ABE Japan Foundations of Biotech protocols, student guide, and slide deck for each lab.
ABE Japan Foundations of Biotechのプロトコール、学生ガイド、各ラボのパワーポイント。
Type(s): Lab-basedTopic(s): Lab Techniques, Cloning, Column Chromatography, Gel Electrophoresis, Gene Expression, Ligation, PCR, Pipetting, Plating, Restriction Enzyme, Transformation, Teaching and Learning
Education Levels: Upper Secondary, Introductory, Advanced