See the latest curriculum and resources, including career profiles and blogs.
Biotechnology Use in the Real World
In this project, developed by ABE Australia Master Teacher Fellow Amy Chen, students become familiar with the many ways that biotechnology is in the…
Blog Post
Drug Design: Matching a Drug to Its Target
When we think of medicines, we often picture colorful capsules, pills, or liquids that cure illnesses or help us feel better. But how do these…
Blog Post
Exploring the New Era of Generative AI in the Classroom
I admit when it comes to generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, like ChatGPT, I have been a late adopter. As a writer who makes a living…
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ABE Brazil Focuses on Inclusivity
As part of its strategic approach to equity, ABE Brazil is creating practical, hands-on learning experiences in biotechnology that make it easier for…
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Seeing the Impact: ABE Reaches 1 Million Students and Counting
“The Amgen Biotech Experience has inspired me to pursue a lab opportunity in my post-secondary pathway. … At York University, I work as a research…
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ABE Master Teacher Fellows Advance Innovation
DNA barcoding using local wildflowers; proficiency in aseptic technique; applying scientific inquiry methods through forensics and criminal…
Blog Post
A Real-World Biotech Detective
Detective work is not found only in law enforcement. Epidemiologists and data scientists all investigate what happens when a medicine enters the real…
Exploring Precision Medicine
CURRENTLY IN REVISION The Exploring Precision Medicine module explores the connections between genes and traits. Students learn how slight…